Channel Partners

We utilise a team of resellers who are experts in Aqualog products and services to assist customers with their logbook solutions.  Our goal is to make purchasing Aqualog solutions easy and provide simple and well coordinated implementation programmes for customers.

Our resellers are specialists in the application of water hygiene technology and are drawn from  the service, manufacturing and consultancy sectors.

For more information call 0845 0568691 or email

Do your customers need an enterprise logbook solution?

By choosing Aqualog as your technology partner, you are authorised to sell our logbooks to your customer base. We support our resellers’ sales efforts through a wide range of benefits, ongoing sales collaboration, education and training, and technical support.

  • Team up with a market leader recognized as the pioneer in web based logbook solutions.
  • Share our knowledge of implementation and experience a highly demonstrable plug & play logbook solution.
  • Access the expertise of  our technology partners to provide your customers with the complete solutions they require.
  • Improve legislative compliance for your customer.
  • Your ROI with Aqualog shows up as greater revenue, more profitable and more stable business with your customers.